Progressive furniture and architectural products company operating nationally. Over 150 employees, $77M in consolidated revenue. Responsible for Accounting, Finance, HR, IT and Sales Coordination.
Appliance Factory Outlet
Colorado based operation with 15 retail outlets, 450 employees and $86M in revenue. Retained as an independent consultant and promoted to CFO. Over 500,000 s.f. commercial real estate under management.
ATM Sales/Electronic Transaction Processing
Cash Resources
Financial Consulting for a start up in ATM sales and processing. Took the company from a sole prorietorship to Corporation of $25M with eventual acqusition by E-Funds. Post sale acquisition of a prepaid cellular company sold to Coinstar.
United Artist Entertainment
Post-merger (Daniels/United Cable/United Artists) cash ledger Manager, sales tax compliance development.
Print Broker for the Mutual Fund Industry
Financial Graphic Services
Producing printed financial prospectus for very large mutual fund companies through the nation. Consultant heading the finance area.
Commercial Real Estate Development
RACO Development Corp
Controller for National real estate developer, office warehouse spec/build to suit, brokerage service.
Commercial Construction
Saunders Construction, Inc
General contractor for major building projects in Colorado. Established credit rating system for subcontractor contracts.
Private Education
Beth Jacob School
Interim Controller to retool financials, scrub financial procedures and hire/train new Controller.